CAMEROON National University Debate and Public Speaking contest: Call for bids 2020 & 2021

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  • CAMEROON National University Debate and Public Speaking contest: Call for bids 2020 & 2021

To all Cameroon’s higher institutions and debating societies

1st National debate and speech contest in Cameroon and Central Africa
CANUDC 2010-University of Buea-1st edition

In the framework of the organization of Cameroon National Universities Debating and Public Speaking Championship (CANUDC), the Cameroon Debate Association (CDA) launches a call for application (bid) to all debating societies and universities in Cameroon for the hosting and co-organization of the 4th edition (2020) and 5th edition (2021) of the CANUDC.

Interested Universities or Debate Clubs from public and private sectors are hereby invited to submit an application’s file accompanied by an endorsement letter signed by the head of the host institution, in accordance with the provisions of the charter of the CANUDC.

The host institution will have to specify whether it intends to bid for 2020, 2021 or both editions. The endorsement letter, marking the interest of the institution in question, will have to be submitted by postal address under closed cover (Cameroon Debate Association. P.0.B0X : 6134, Yaoundé) or by electronic address (, before September 26, 2019. The application‘s file proposed by the clubs will be evaluated and validated by the CDA bureau.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Executive Board of the Cameroon Debate Association.      

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