Another Fortification Programme for youth in Cameroon. Cameroon seems to be a fertile and productive ground for skill-building programmes. It was leadership and speech arts some weeks ago, today, 06 day of January 2020 we welcomed a workshop on blogging and web writing in the same city, Dschang, jointly organized by the International Network for the promotion of speech Arts in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (INPAS) and the Cameroon Debate Association and facilitated by the Mondoblogger and President of INPAS-International, Elongue Christian Ngnaoussi.

The training started at 9am as promised, with participants’ presentations and expectations. Soon afterward, the facilitator discussed the different expectations passing through the presentation of the modules comprising the workshop, notably, the creation of a blog design, web writing techniques, blog animation and sale of contents.

As it has always been the case, Elongue began with the practical part of the workshop interrupted with sequences of exchanges with the participants, thus, bringing them to pick up initiatives or creative exercises, such as reviewing their texts on selected topics spelled out by the facilitation, visiting professional bloggers write-ups online and outlining collectively some characteristics of a good blogger; by so doing, facilitating the comprehension of key tips solicited to create and animate a blog. These sets of exercises lasted for about 3 hours before break at 12 noon.

Suddenly after the break, Elongue introduced the theoretical part of the workshop, giving everyone already had a clue of the subject matter. This part was just to complement any point that was not made clear during the exercises. However, it did not took more than half an hour to finalize it and give way for more interesting stuffs.

Since everyone knew already the process to obtain and animate a blog, there had to try it. For one of the objectives was that each participant should return home with his blog on feet. So, the facilitator continued with the creation of each participant’s blog, using his laptop as a sample tool so others could follow. Everyone followed the process step by step up to the end. This particular session was amazing indeed, for participants that came with their texts published them directly on their new blogs. Everything ended with participants’ feedbacks, award of certificates and a family picture to immortalize this unprecedented event.If you could not make it this time, be prepared for the upcoming………..
Reported by
Tsague Dongfack Willy Endelson