Christian Elongué represented INPAS at the International African Feminist Conference on Peace

On August 18th, Ngnaoussi Elongué Christian, INPAS Program Director, attended Feminist Peace Movement in Africa Forum at the University of Ghana in Accra, hosted by WILPF, the world’s oldest women’s peace organization.
The Forum aimed at strengthening linkages within and across the African feminist movement for peace, and facilitated a variety of political discussions to mobilize action for change. We also are continuously advocating for non-violent alternatives through the promotion of competitive debating and public speaking. Elongué also participated in the cross-learning workshops on root causes of violence.

Christian Elongué with the president of WILPF, Kozue Akibayashi (Photo Credit: Christian Elongué)
During the forum, the various discussions explored the current realities of women working for peace in Africa. However, there are still hurdles for African peace activists who are advocating for justice, dignity and peace. In the last few years, we have successfully grown an inclusive network of people who share the same commitment to prevent conflict through the use of debating. Our members work to support each other in being agents of change and crafting new approaches to peacebuilding. Attending WILPF conference enables us to join a global network that provides more visibility and amplifies our voice.
In the early hours of the 18th, all the attendees of the Forum stood on their feet for five minutes to pay tribute to the memory of Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary General who was a great diplomat, public speaker and global peacemaker.